Monte Pasubio and
Monte Novegno


Area m. Pasubio e
m. Novegno

Mountain Environment

The itinerary starts from Bocchetta Campiglia, where there are two big car parks, to continue along the route of the monumental Strada delle 52 gallerie (“Road of the 52 Tunnels”) to the Papa mountain hut.
Going on towards the highest point (entering Trentino Region territory), you can visit the ecomuseum of Monte Pasubio, which is known as “The Most Fought over Mountain”.

From the Papa hut the route descends across the Strada degli Scarubbi and to Bocchetta Campiglia again continuing along the Alta Via high altitude Great War hiking trail towards Passo Xomo in the direction of Monte Novegno and Monte Priaforà named “The Last Mountain”. From the museum complex along Italian Alpine Club path CAI 477 the route descends into Val Posina towards Fusine and then goes on to the locality of Castana.

The itinerary descends from the Papa hut across Val Canale and the hill of Bellavista, where the Pasubio War Memorial stands.


How to get there

From the A4 Milan to Venice motorway, in the proximity of the Vicenza Est exit, go onto the A31 Valdastico motorway as far as the Schio-Thiene exit. The road goes along the valley of the Leogra; from Valli del Pasubio it takes about another 25 minutes to get to your destination. Follow the road to Passo Pian delle Fugazze; turn left towards Malga Cornetto just before the pass and you are almost at your destination. Follow the directions for Ossario del Pasubio (the Pasubio Ossuary), the war memorial.



There are two ways of parking in practice: either you leave your car along the road that goes down to the memorial (pay parking) or, during opening hours, you can go into the visitors’ car park through a big gate, where parking is free. Visitors are requested, however, not to leave their vehicle parked for longer than the time they take to see the memorial.

Resting places

Rifugio Papa, Rifugio Balasso, Rifugio Passo Xomo, Albergo da Gek or Albergo da Irma at Castana

Opening hours

The Pasubio War Memorial observes the same opening hours as the First Army Museum, with which it shares the forecourt where you can park your car.
Hours, which vary according to the time of year, are as follows:
from 16 May to 30 September every day from 9.00 to 12.30 and from 14.00 to 18.00;
from 1 October to 15 May only on Saturdays, Sundays and Italian public holidays from 09.00 to 12.00 and from 14.00 to 17.00.
The admission fee to the First Army Museum is 2.5 euro, while entry to the memorial is free.


Pasubio War Memorial


The most fought over mountain

Download the itineraries

Ossario Pasubio – Rifugio Papa

LENGTH: 7,8 KM – DURATION: 2 ore e 20 circa

Strada 52 gallerie

LENGTH: 6,6 Km – DURATION: 1 ora e 40 minuti

Taglio Scarrubbi – Imbocco gallerie

LENGTH: 3,8 Km – DURATION: 1 ora

Taglio Arrivo Xomo

LENGTH: 550 mt – DURATION: 8 minuti

Xomo – Castana

LENGTH: 23,3 Km – DURATION: 6 ore e 30 minuti

Discover the itineraries of the other AREAS

Breathe in deeply and observe nature, repository of our remembrance
Listen to the silence of the woods, take nature by the hand and look at the land transformed by history